The most stable hybrid from VNIS is Khalk, which shows high-yield results in different climatic zones in Ukraine yearly.

The classic Torus hybrid is well-suited for farms that utilize intensive technology.

Classical cultivation technology generally yields good results across all farms; however, there are instances when more aggressive herbicides are necessary. This is where imidazolinone-resistant hybrids, such as Parker, come into play. The resistance to imidazolinones is conferred by mutations PM1 and PM2 in one of the three AHAS genes found in rapeseed. Cultivating these hybrids reduces the number of herbicide treatments because imidazolinones are effective against both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds and have a long-lasting period.
Another beneficial use of hybrids like Parker is cultivating them using classical technology in fields with a significant residual concentration of imidazolinones from previous applications. In such situations, only resistant hybrids can withstand the toxic effects of herbicide residues. Although hybrids resistant to imidazolinones may yield slightly less than classic varieties, they are easier to cultivate and offer a more economical approach to weed control. The Parker hybrid has proven successful in the southern regions of Ukraine, where herbicide-resistant hybrids are commonly grown.

Maybakh is a unique new product in our market — a tribenuron-methyl-resistant rapeseed hybrid. This hybrid can significantly reduce the need for dicotyledonous weed control in rapeseed, as it can tolerate up to 50 g/ha of tribenuron-methyl. In most cases, using 35 g/ha will effectively eliminate the majority of broadleaf weed problems.
One of the significant advantages of growing Maybakh is that tribenuron-methyl, while highly effective for weed control and relatively inexpensive, decomposes quickly in the soil and does not leave any toxic effects on subsequent crops. Additionally, its resistance to pod cracking helps preserve the crop until harvest. The hybrid also exhibits high winter hardiness and resistance to phomosis, ensuring healthy vegetation throughout the growing season.

A powerful basis for hybrids
VNIS hybrids utilize the Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility system, a standard for most seed companies. This system ensures the highest level of hybridity and genetic purity in typical growing conditions found in Ukraine.