Four rapeseed hybrids for your success

One of the main properties of rapeseed that underlies the choice of a hybrid for cultivation is stability in different conditions. This ensures a guaranteed result regardless of the year's conditions. The most stable hybrid of VNIS is Khalk, which shows high yield results in different climatic zones of Ukraine from year to year.

The hybrid belongs to the mid-season group and has an average rate of autumn development, which makes it suitable for cultivation in all climatic zones of Ukraine, provided early and optimal sowing dates. The plant height reaches 140-160 cm in the central and northern regions, 120-135 cm in the South in drier conditions, and 180 cm in the West under conditions of sufficient moisture. The hybrid is highly resistant to phomosis, which is ensured by the presence of the Rlm7 gene. High branching potential provides the ability to compensate for sparse sowing while maintaining high yields. It reacts poorly to thickening, which leads to reduced ventilation of the crop and the development of diseases, which, in turn, lead to lower yields. The weed control technology is classic.

For farms practicing intensive technology, the classic Torus hybrid is well suited.

The speed of autumn development of our hybrids is moderate, which makes it possible to grow them in different conditions, but does not allow us to recommend late sowing dates. Spring regrowth and flowering also occurs at a moderate rate, which helps to avoid early frosts that can significantly reduce yields. Resistance to major diseases, such as phomosis and verticillium, is genetic. An additional contribution to the yield is made by resistance to pod cracking. The hybrid can withstand a slight excess of sowing density, especially under conditions of late sowing, but will perform best when sown at the optimum time and with a sowing density of 350-450 thousand, depending on the row spacing.

Classical cultivation technology gives good results in all farms, but there are times when more aggressive herbicides need to be used. This is where imidazolinone-resistant hybrids such as Parker come in. Resistance to imidazolinones is provided by mutations PM1 and PM2 of one of the AHAS genes (there are three of them in rapeseed). Growing such hybrids reduces the number of treatments, as imidazolinones effectively kill both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds and have a long period of action.

An alternative use of hybrids such as Parker is to grow them using classical technology in fields where there is a significant residual concentration of imidazolinones from previous treatments. In such cases, only resistant hybrids are immune to the toxic effects of herbicide residues. Usually, hybrids resistant to imidazolinones are slightly inferior to the classic ones in terms of yield, but their cultivation is easier and a little more economical in terms of weed control. The Parker hybrid has successfully proven itself in the southern regions of Ukraine, where herbicide-resistant hybrids are more commonly grown.


Maybach is new product is unique for our market - a tribenuron-methyl-resistant rapeseed hybrid. This hybrid can significantly save on dicotyledonous weed control in rapeseed - it can withstand up to 50 g/ha of tribenuron-methyl, although 35 g will be enough to get rid of most problems with broadleaf weeds.

Growing Maibach has a significant advantage in that tribenuron-methyl, despite its high efficiency in weed control and relatively low cost, quickly decomposes in the soil and does not leave toxic effects on the next crop. Resistance to pod cracking allows you to preserve the crop until harvest. High winter hardiness and resistance to phomosis ensure healthy vegetation.


VNIS hybrids are based on the Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility system. This system is the standard for most seed companies and provides the highest level of hybridity and genetic purity under the growing conditions typical for Ukraine.