VNIS, the largest Ukrainian seed producer, has expanded its portfolio with new corn hybrids

Today VNIS is the largest Ukrainian seed producer. The institute offers Ukrainian farmers hybrids for all corn growing zones according to different maturity groups.

Currently, Ukrainian farmers have access to a selection line of corn hybrids from VNIS with FAO grades from 210 to 370. They are suitable not only for growing for grain but also for silage. Some hybrids even have a focus on biogas production. This year, two new hybrids were introduced to the market - Mantikora and Paradiz.

According to Anna Gornitska, VNIS marketing manager, in the article “Highly productive or stable? VNIS offers corn hybrids for every need”, the key features of these hybrids are higher yields and increased resistance to various stress factors. The company's breeders have adapted these hybrids to the unstable conditions of today.

Mantikora is a mid-season hybrid with FAO 310. It has a flinty-toothed grain type and high drought resistance.

Paradiz is a plastic, mid-early hybrid with FAO 270, also with a flinty-toothed grain type and drought tolerant.

 This year, we sowed all our fields with corn hybrids from different manufacturers, including hybrids from VNIS. “This year we sowed two new hybrids - the Paradiz hybrid with FAO 270 and the Mantikora hybrid with FAO 310,” says Vitaliy Ternopilsky, a farmer from Rivne region, ”Both hybrids look great today compared to others! The crops are greener than others, with fully formed and filled heads of cabbage. I was surprised by the fact that they tolerated the high temperatures of August better, withstood frosts in early June, and generally low temperatures in late May, without showing the effect of “waviness” of the field.

It is worth noting that both new corn hybrids from VNIS can be used both for grain and silage, and Mantikora can be used for biogas production.