New Corn Hybrids for the 2023 Growing Season

In the 2022/23 season, VNIS expanded its corn portfolio with new hybrids specifically developed for the agro-climatic conditions of Ukraine. The company emphasizes breeding hybrids that offer high and stable yields, as well as good grain moisture retention, aligning with market demands and economic viability. 

We are pleased to present an overview of our new hybrids: Paradiz and Mantikora

Paradiz (FAO 270) is a new plastic grain hybrid with flinty-toothed kernels and 16 rows on the cob. It is resistant to lodging and demonstrates high drought tolerance.  Additionally, Paradiz is resistant to different diseases, including helminthosporium, fusarium, and blister smut. Its yield potential is an impressive 19 t/ha.

The hybrid is suitable for cultivation in the Forest-Steppe and Steppe regions of Ukraine.

Mantikora (FAO 310) is a new plastic grain hybrid designed for biogas production. This hybrid features flinty-toothed grains, with 16 to 18 rows and 44 grains per row. It has a promising yield potential of up to 21 tons per hectare.  Additionally, Manticora is highly resistant to drought and lodging, and it also possesses good genetic resistance to major corn diseases.

Manticora hybrid performs best with sufficient to moderate moisture. For grain harvesting, plant densities should be 75-80 thousand plants/ha in sufficient moisture, 65-75 thousand plants/ha in moderate moisture, and 55-60 thousand plants/ha in insufficient moisture.

For detailed information about each product and its availability, please contact your regional representative.

The dedicated efforts of the breeders at the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Plant Breeding (VNIS) help Ukrainian farmers achieve stable profits by reducing the cost of high-quality sunflower and corn hybrid seeds produced in Ukraine.