New sunflower hybrids for the 2023 season

Sunflower has always been one of the most profitable oilseeds in Ukraine. Consumers' high interest in growing sunflower continues to grow. The yield of hybrids is increasing every year due to the introduction of the latest breeding developments into the crop culture.

VNIS's product line includes hybrids that have already proven themselves and new products with added qualities.

The new sunflower hybrids include Mastak, Vegas and Magnum

Mastak is a high-intensity hybrid with high yield potential. It has genetic resistance to tribenuron-methyl. The growing season is 100-105 days. The flattened shape of the basket, inclined downward at an angle of 45°, is one of the advantages of this hybrid because the basket is less sunburned and does not collect precipitation in the fall. The oil content is 51%. It has a potential yield of 5.8 t/ha. It is resistant to phomosis, phomopsis, broomrape of races A-E. It is characterized by high resistance to lodging.

Recommended for sowing in the Central and Western regions of Ukraine. The recommended density before harvesting in areas of sufficient moisture is 55-60 thousand plants/ha, and in areas of moderate moisture - 55 thousand plants/ha. 


Vegas is a hybrid with high resistance to broomrape A-G+. The growing season is 105-108 days. It has a high oil content (52-53%). It is characterized by good bunching and resistance to lodging and shattering. The yield potential is 5.4 t/ha. Resistant to the group of herbicides containing tribenuron-methyl. It is adapted to extensive cultivation technology, has high resistance to diseases and drought. The Vegas hybrid is recommended for cultivation in the Central and Southern Steppe and Forest-Steppe regions of Ukraine, in particular, where broomrape is widespread, as one of the main advantages of this hybrid is its high resistance to the sunflower parasite.

Recommended density before harvesting: in arid areas - 50-52 thousand plants/ha, in areas of moderate and sufficient moisture - 55-60 thousand plants/ha. 


Magnum is an early-ripening hybrid with a growing season of 105-110 days. It is characterized by consistently high yields and maximum heading. It has genetic resistance to tribenuron-methyl (SU) - 50 g/ha. The yield potential is 5.5 t/ha. The oil content is 50%. It is characterized by good drought resistance, resistant to shedding and lodging, resistant to phomosis, phomopsis, rust, gray and white rot, broomrape of races A-E. It reveals its potential best in areas of sufficient and moderate moisture. Recommended density before harvesting: in areas of sufficient moisture - 55-60 thousand plants/ha, in areas of moderate moisture - 55 thousand plants/ha, in areas of insufficient moisture - 50-52 thousand plants/ha.


Every year, the institute's specialists establish fields with experimental plots in eight regions of Ukraine, which evenly cover all agroclimatic zones. This allows us to comprehensively characterize the genetic potential of the hybrid, allowing it to show its full potential and at the same time identify shortcomings and “sensitive” areas. Each year, the location of the research fields by region changes, expanding the “geography” of the study.

Modern market requirements constantly adjust breeding programs to create sunflower hybrids. The best genotypes among the genetically diverse primary material are selected by the company's employees by conducting evaluations in the field and laboratory.

High-yielding sunflower hybrids adapted to different climatic conditions will help to optimize costs at different stages of production and to obtain the expected income.