Highly productive or stable? VNIS offers corn hybrids for every need

From now on, VNIS corn hybrids portfolio includes new products that expanded the range of maturity groups according to FAO. Today, VNIS offers Ukrainian agricultural producers hybrids for all corn growing zones according to different maturity groups.

Selection proven over the years

Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding (VNIS) is the largest Ukrainian seed producer. The constant scientific work of the best specialists and the use of global innovative breeding technologies have allowed the company to build a powerful portfolio that meets all the needs of Ukrainian farmers and to compete with the world's leading companies in the industry for three decades. In addition, the optimal combination of high quality seed and affordable prices is always a pleasant bonus for farmers.

The stand of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding during the Battle of the Agrotitans. In the photo: Sergiy Smelyanets, agronomist at VNIS, and Anna Hornitska, marketing manager at VNIS

New hybrids in the portfolio  Mantikora and Paradiz: advantages and differences.

Today, Ukrainian farmers have access to a selection line of corn hybrids from VNIS with FAO grades 210 to 370, which are suitable not only for growing grain but also for silage. Some hybrids are designed for biogas production. By the way, all VNIS hybrids are characterized by a high starch content. In 2023, two new hybrids, Mantikora and Paradiz, were launched on the market.

 “The key features of these hybrids are higher yields and increased resistance to various stress factors,” says Anna Gornitska, Marketing Manager at VNIS, “Our breeders have adapted these hybrids to the unstable conditions of today.

Mantikora is a mid-season hybrid with FAO 310, has a flinty-toothed grain type, and high drought resistance. Areas of application: grain, silage, biogas production. During the years of testing, the average yield was 14 t/ha.

 The Paradiz corn hybrid was the first in our portfolio with FAO 270. Thus, our portfolio includes all maturity groups,” explains Sergiy Smelyanets, agronomist at VNIS, ”As for the popularity of our hybrids among agricultural producers, we cannot say that some hybrids are more popular and some are less. After all, each agricultural producer chooses for themselves - more intensive or those that release moisture faster, although they have a lower yield potential.

Paradiz is a new plastic, medium-early hybrid with FAO 270, has a flinty-toothed grain type, and is drought-resistant. The hybrid is used for grain and silage. Over the years of testing, the average yield of the hybrid is 13.5 t/ha.

 Our agricultural enterprise has land in Polissia, which is known to have mostly sandy soils. This year, we sowed all our fields with corn hybrids from different manufacturers, including hybrids from VNIS,” says Vitaliy Ternopilsky, a farmer from Rivne region. ”This year we sowed two new products - the Paradiz hybrid with FAO 270 and the Mantikora hybrid with FAO 310. Both hybrids, compared to others, look great today!

 Today, the crops are greener than others, with fully formed and filled heads of cabbage. I was surprised by the fact that they tolerated the high temperatures of August better. I would also like to note that the hybrids of VNIS withstood frosts in early June and generally low temperatures in late May better, without showing the effect of “waviness” of the field observed on intensive hybrids of foreign selection. In the future, we will observe how the grain will release moisture and what moisture content it will have at the time of harvesting, and then we will draw final conclusions. But there are already many advantages,” the farmer shared his impressions.

All participants of the event were happy to taste boiled corn - sugar hybrids produced by VNIS.

VNIS corn hybrids are a guarantee of stable yields, even on low agricultural backgrounds.

Today, the hybrids that are already well known to the market remain relevant: VN 63 (FAO 280), Gran 310 (FAO 250), and one of the most popular is the hybrid VN 6367 with FAO 320.

- The hybrid VN 6367 performs well, especially in the central and western regions: farmers get a stable yield of more than 9 t/ha. “In the regions bordering the South of Ukraine, farmers choose hybrids with lower FAO,“ comments Sergiy Smelyanets, ‘and therefore VN 63 does not lose popularity there, because farmers do not pursue ’one-time” indicators, but strive to achieve stable profitability.

VNIS is constantly working to improve its product line. The main goal of our breeders is to guarantee stable yields for farmers under different growing conditions.

- Our breeders are working tirelessly to develop their own hybrids that are maximally adapted to the needs of Ukrainian agricultural producers. And every year we notice that more and more farmers are becoming our satisfied and, most importantly, regular customers,” said Anna Gornitska.