Fruitful “Hrim” in Ukrainian fields

The Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding has introduced another winter rape hybrid resistant to herbicides based on imidazolinones and other active ingredients, which provides high profitability of cultivation.

- Every year, winter rapeseed hybrids suitable for growing using IMI technology (using Nopasaran herbicides) are becoming increasingly important. This is understandable, as this approach makes it possible to significantly simplify the cultivation technology and guarantee to overcome the problem of weeds. Accordingly, a team of scientists at the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding has been working in recent years to develop new rapeseed hybrids resistant to imidazolinones and some other active ingredients. Today we already have three such winter rape hybrids: the well-known Parker and Blackstone, and since last season - an absolute novelty that has already demonstrated its best qualities - the Hrim rape hybrid,” says Myroslav Pariy, director of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding.


Since 2001, the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Plant Breeding, founded by leading Ukrainian breeder Fedir Pariy, has focused its efforts on reviving Ukrainian breeding of a wide range of crops. The concept of “revival” includes, first and foremost, the application of the most advanced global breeding practices, including the creation of new varieties and hybrids.

- VNIS's research units include more than 30 breeders who use the most advanced technologies permitted by Ukrainian law. These are primarily methods of breeding new hybrids with enhanced resistance traits: classical breeding, genome editing and DNA marker methods. That is why our new winter rape hybrid Grim, without exaggeration, combines all the best achievements of global breeding. And what's important, it was created by a team of Ukrainian scientists,” emphasizes Myroslav Pariy.


As you know, the most effective weed control technology in rapeseed crops is the use of herbicides based on glyphosate, imidazolinones and tribenuron-methyl. This allows us to radically solve the problem of weeds, and thus preserve moisture in the soil and provide normal nutrition for cultivated plants. However, any herbicide inherently has a suppressive effect even on the plants it is designed to protect from weeds. Phytotoxicity is a well-known phenomenon. And under unfavorable circumstances, it can significantly reduce the final yield of a crop.

That is why the emergence of herbicide-resistant winter rapeseed hybrids has become a key task for breeders around the world. Therefore, we should pay tribute to the breeders of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding, who are bringing the third such hybrid to the market.

- Rapeseed has a taproot system, and its normal development largely determines the proper entry of the stronger crops into winter and resistance to dry conditions after the spring vegetation resumes. In this respect, Grim belongs to the extremely resistant winter rape hybrids. The main thing is to provide the plants with the necessary nutrition in the fall and to provide nitrogen and sulfur in time for the resumption of vegetation in spring. The latter can be given in the fall, but this meso-element is mandatory for rape cultivation and must be given in sufficient quantities,” advises Vladimir Skoryk, VNIS agronomist-consultant.

Hrim belongs to the early-ripening hybrids of the intensive type with a growing season of 300 to 305 days. Its undeniable advantages include such a feature as rapid spring regrowth. That is, this winter rapeseed hybrid makes the most efficient use of moisture reserves after winter. This means that the seedlings grow stronger very quickly and are ready to face the traditional dry second half of spring and early summer.


This is all the more important because Grim combines herbicide resistance with exceptional resistance to other stressors. On a 10-point scale, this winter rapeseed hybrid received “nines” in terms of drought resistance, lodging and shattering resistance, as well as “eights” in terms of resistance to phomosis, blackleg, downy mildew, sclerotinia, bacteriosis and, of course, winter hardiness.

We should also note the fact that Grim is recommended for cultivation in almost all regions of Ukraine with different soil and climatic conditions, including the Polissya, Forest-Steppe and Steppe zones, which eloquently testifies to its resistance to various stress factors.

- I would like to emphasize the fact that by all accounts, Grim belongs to the elite of winter rape breeding, and I do not recommend keeping this hybrid on a “starvation diet” - it will show normal results, but the agricultural producer will simply not receive the guaranteed profit. With proper care and fertilization, the Grim hybrid provides yields of 45 c/ha and above. Quite often, farmers are biased against domestic varieties and hybrids, sowing them on infertile soils and saving on fertilizers and pesticide treatments. You shouldn't do this - give this hybrid everything it needs according to the technology, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the results of its yield,” says Myroslav Pariy.

That's right, the crop hybrids of the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding have occupied a completely unique and profitable niche for Ukrainian agricultural producers in recent years. They provide high yields and resistance that are not inferior to similar products from Western competitors, and at the same time, VNIS seed has a much more affordable price, as the company is a domestic producer. That is, the profitability of their cultivation can be significantly higher, which, in terms of hundreds and thousands of hectares, allows you to receive additional profit every year, and thus develop your business qualitatively.

There is no doubt that the Ukrainian market for quality seed is changing, and it is changing qualitatively, given the achievements of domestic breeding in recent years. Every farmer, having gained proper experience in growing varieties and hybrids from different producers, understands that they should focus not on advertising, but on real profitability figures. They stubbornly show that imidazolinone-resistant rapeseed hybrids such as Parker, Blackstone and Thunder, as well as classic hybrids such as Redstone, created by the Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Breeding, allow farmers to achieve the main goal of their farms. That is, to establish a problem-free technology for growing winter rape and other crops and to obtain high financial results.