Technology of growing high oleic sunflower hybrids

The technology of growing high oleic sunflower does not differ from the technology of growing linoleic sunflower, but it has its own peculiarities.

And the main feature is the observance of spatial isolation from linoleic sunflower crops. The isolation should be at least 400 meters, depending on the area of linoleum sunflower growing nearby.

It should be remembered that the content of oleic acid in the resulting marketable product depends on the spatial isolation.

If it is not possible to maintain spatial isolation, then temporal isolation can be used. That is, it is necessary to select the sowing dates and hybrid composition depending on the growing season to ensure flowering at different times and avoid cross-pollination with linoleum sunflower.


Sowing should be carried out at the optimal time, when the soil at the sowing depth warms up to +10 °C. Most high oleic hybrids are of the intensive type, so it is recommended to follow a balanced nutrition system when growing.

Also, the growing zone plays an important role in obtaining marketable products with a high content of oleic acid. After all, with sharp fluctuations in night and day temperatures during flowering and filling of achenes, the level of oleic acid in the oil can significantly decrease.

Therefore, the main factors affecting the oleic acid content are

  • genetic frequency of seeds;
  • spatial isolation;
  • temperature conditions during flowering and ripening;
  • physical mixing (during sowing, harvesting, transportation, seed processing, and oil production).

The Everest of Ukrainian breeding

The line of sunflower hybrids of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Selection includes a high-yielding high-oleic sunflower hybrid Everest, with an oleic acid content of 92%. Everest is genetically resistant to imidazolinone herbicides, which allows growing this sunflower using both the traditional weed control system and imidazolinone herbicides if necessary.

Everest is an early-ripening intensive hybrid with a fast start and a growing season of 105 days. Everest is characterized by moderate resistance to drought. It shows the highest yield with the highest content of oleic acid on a high agricultural background with sufficient moisture supply.

The key success factor in growing high oleic sunflower is the choice of seeds with high genetic yield potential, high oleic acid content and high quality, which the All-Ukrainian Scientific Institute of Selection confidently guarantees to its customers.