Crop production involves the use of intensive technologies and high-precision equipment and machinery in the field
According to researchers at leading breeding institutions, uneven plant placement per unit area can lead to a 20-30% yield shortfall. The difference within the sowing area between plants by at least one leaf can lead to a decrease in the absolute indicators of the elements of the crop structure (grain size and grain yield) and an increase in grain moisture at the time of harvesting. Therefore, an extremely important factor in the preparation of seed is its uniformity in many respects: size, specific gravity, germination energy... This makes it possible to carry out precise sowing of seeds in the field with sowing units of various types. To this end, the seed is divided into fractions by size and specific gravity using various types of cleaning, sorting and calibration machines.

Qualitative division of seeds into fractions provides the ability to carry out accurate quantitative sowing of seeds per linear meter with identical placement of seeds in the soil at a given sowing depth
This allows for uniform germination in a short period of time, which will ensure that the genetic potential of the variety or hybrid in terms of yield and quality is maximized.
For the swelling and germination of seeds of most cultivated crops, the water requirement is from 60 to 100% of the seed's own weight. According to many researchers, medium-sized seeds are the most suitable for sowing. It is these seeds that make it possible to ensure technically uniform sowing in the field and to obtain the most simultaneous, even seedlings. This is due to the physiological and physical and mechanical characteristics of the seeds.

Small seeds require the least amount of moisture for germination, but the sowing depth of such seeds is physiologically limited by insufficient nutrients for initial growth, and the availability of moisture in the topsoil is quite unstable. The smallest fractions of seeds are not suitable for sowing, as they are not equalized in terms of germination and it is difficult to ensure high-quality sowing in terms of quantity.
During the primary cleaning of the sunflower heap, 2.6 mm sieves are used, which ensures the removal of small seeds with a weight of 1000 pcs. less than 40 g from the seed mass. For corn, the size of the sieves is 4.5-5.5 mm, depending on the hybrid.
The need for water for germination of large seeds is much greater, so it is important to have water in the seedbed during the entire period until the seedling reaches the surface. This can only be ensured by increasing the depth of seed placement, which can lead to excessive contact of young seedlings with various types of pests (harmful fungal, bacterial and viral infections, gnawing pests). In addition, the largest seeds are the most injured at all stages of cleaning and sorting and have lower germination rates. Therefore, the largest (non-mass) fractions, which make up about 1-1.5% of the total number of seeds, are not used for mass sowing.
The main stages in the technology of seed preparation:
- Primary cleaning. During the primary cleaning of the initial seed heap, the smallest and largest seed fractions are separated from the bulk of mineral and organic impurities, which in total amounts to 10 to 25%. The output of the smallest fraction can be regulated by the technologist depending on the conditions of the year of cultivation, the available amount of the initial seed heap, etc. The technological operation is carried out on sieve cleaning machines.
- Secondary cleaning and calibration by size involves the distribution of seed material on sieves with different size and shape of holes. Seeds can be divided into 3 to 6 fractions by size and shape.
- Calibration by specific gravity involves the removal of physically defective and damaged grains and the lightest part of the material in terms of its “windage” from the seed fractions. The process is carried out mainly on pneumatic vibrating tables.
- Sorting on a photo-separator - involves separation of seeds and impurities from the total mass that cannot be separated mechanically (organic and inorganic impurities are the same size and weight as the seed, different color, etc.)
- Dressing and packing. Seed material cleaned in fractions is treated with protective agents and packaged in containers with appropriate labeling of seed lots.
The prepared seed material is stored in various types of warehouses in compliance with optimal storage conditions.
It is only possible to get friendly, uniform germination in the field if you use high-quality seed.